在他们大学的四年里, 约翰尼分析了来自世界各地的200多位最具影响力的文本和思想家,千年西方思想:从柏拉图和帕斯卡到亚当·斯密和阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦. They learn the foundations of mathematics 和 the sciences by mastering original proofs 和 conducting h和s-on experiments, 从欧几里得开始,到达尔文和法拉第. 他们阅读、写作、讨论和剖析知识的轨迹——从字面上和比喻上.
The rigor 和 scope of our Program develops self-directed learners who thrive with new 和 challenging material. 他们是敏锐的分析者,富有创造力和勇气的思考者,以及清晰的沟通者. 他们在团队中工作很好, 而且,他们知道如何倾听, 他们知道如何提问, 他们知道协作式调查对每个人都更有效. 最终的结果? Johnnies excel at solving difficult 和 new problems—just like the ones facing every organization today.
“Theo has been extremely helpful in launching a new project focusing on the development of religious cognition in the U.S. 她在项目的各个方面都提供了帮助, 包括数据收集, 数据分析, 和解释. 她一直是实验室的优秀补充和成员.”
“无论我让罗西做什么,她都非常小心、精确地完成了任务. 她的工作帮助我提交动议,探视监狱,并在法庭上提供帮助. Rosie has been especially excited about 和 willing to accompany me when it’s necessary to interview experts regarding our cases, 和 she is pleased to give her thoughts on 如何 information from these experts could inform our cases, 这很有帮助吗.”
新墨西哥矿业学院 & 技术,艾略特实验室
“Susmi s如何ed great intellectual insight in connecting theoretical ideas 和 in thinking critically about experimental data. 她追求有意义的探究的动机使她能够坚持完成艰巨的任务... She produced great work 和 contributed to a lab culture that prioritizes shared values 和 the pursuit of constant improvements in underst和ing.”
“Austin帮助我们了解了项目的主要研究人员在哪些方面做出了贡献... His analysis helped NIAC underst和 some of our own work in new ways, 和 his assessments were used.”
从一开始, 格里高利对学习立法过程的一切都表现出了极大的兴趣. His critical thinking was evident in his writing as he was often given little instruction but was still able to determine not only 如何 to re搜索 和 gather necessary information but also the most effective way of delivering it. His ability to adapt to the often unpredictable pace 和 direction of political life was also apparent.”
芝加哥大学心理研究所 & 生物学
“桑德丽娜今年夏天表现出色,她对未来充满希望... Her work this summer has earned her co-authorship of a report that will be presented at the Society for Neuroscience meeting this fall. 和她一起工作的研究生对她今年夏天的工作评价很高.”
“波宾是我们公司的一笔重要资产. 她是一个快速学习和批判性思维的人,她对学习和理解数据充满热情, 数据卫生, 在她的工作中,数据分割是显而易见的. 她的问题解决能力和财务建模能力非常出色, 她对细节和工作质量的关注也是如此. She is persistent, patient, dedicated, proactive, takes 倡议, 和 is an excellent communicator. Her ability to work both independently 和 in a team environment make her an ideal c和idate for continuing employment.”
加州大学伯克利分校的语言 & 认知实验室
“Alayna was an excellent communicator who went out of her way to learn as much as possible about her projects. Highlights for me were seeing her present on both of her studies (separately) at our lab meeting – she clearly had a strong h和le on all that she was working on.”
“我对您的学生一直很满意... 荣誉是一名优秀的实习生,对办公室的各个方面都很感兴趣. 总是问一些好问题,并利用这个机会向律师学习. She would make a great attorney because she pays attention 和 reads closely examples of the work from various trials.”
“Apurva非常出色地完成了她的工作,极大地帮助了我们的团队. Her inquisitiveness has helped us look at cases from a different perspective 和 we hope she pursues her dream of becoming a doctor soon.”
“Allegra was instrumental in strengthening our existing systems around social media implementation 和 annual planning. 她带头完成了她的项目, 我们的追随者翻了一番, 并从我们积压的资源中创造了全年的内容. 这里的批判性思维,只有在全球十大赌博靠谱平台的,提高了她在团队中的价值.”
“内森已经成为我们辛勤工作的小员工的巨大财富. 他是一个自我激励和学习的人,不需要经常监督. He collaborates with staff on projects 和 offers thoughtful opinions 和 insights on a daily basis. 他已经收养了... 尊重我们的使命:保存我们的故事, 保护我们的藏品和历史, 并与我们的社区建立联系.”
“Tbel’s major internship task was to develop a photo project that would represent old markets 和 traders in an interesting way. He was also asked to translate scientific news from our flagship content 和 write short blurbs for the magazine. I included him on a press trip to the mountains of Adjara 和 he prepared a blog story that won first place in an Adjara-related contest. 贝尔愿意学习科学知识, 艺术, 国人民, 新大陆的文化,并与我们的读者分享这些知识. 他在摄影和写作方面都很有天赋,可以成为一名高水平的摄影记者.”
“Seung非常善于与不同背景的人沟通, 他们通常使用自己的领域特定语言. 她绝对是个很好的倾听者, 谁也非常善于口头和书面地向他人传达她的想法.”
“Christopher could repeatedly discern creative solutions to issues as they arose 和 took 倡议 at every opportunity to learn 和 grow, 提出问题,权衡可能性, 和对话. He is a skilled communicator 和 a critical 和 evaluative thinker who is diligent 和 self-动机. 每时每刻, 事实证明,他是我们团队中不可或缺的一员,与他一起工作和学习都很愉快.”
“Luis is an extraordinarily thoughtful human being who is able to take on difficult material 和 assist in solving problems through dialogue 和 collaboration. 他也能在没有指导的情况下独立工作.”
“约瑟夫很有远见,是个很好的倾听者,能很好地把握方向. 他对学习的渴望是显而易见的. 他在标签和文件抄写方面的详细工作对克莱夫登非常有价值.”
即使面对批评,坎贝尔也不会轻易气馁... 他愿意重写片段,重新考虑早期评估. 他的求知欲是显而易见的... 我认为你可以教任何人为报纸写作, but I don’t think you can teach anyone to truly care about doing it 和 Campbell truly cares about things. 这在实习生身上可不常见.”
“布林是一个理想的暑期实习生,也是实验室里的一件乐事:他很聪明, 订婚了, 动机, 勤奋工作的... I was impressed with her ability to work independently 和 with her enthusiasm to learn the science behind her project. 我毫不犹豫地对布琳的表演给予最高的赞扬.”
“艾莉森学得很快,能很好地保留信息,也能很好地接受批评.... 她从一开始就很感兴趣,很投入,在这里学到了很多东西. 我认为她会在她选择追求的任何领域大放异彩. 她的到来是我的荣幸.”
“总的来说, 奥妮莎做得很好, 能独立工作, 并将为任何组织带来新的视角.”
阿森松医疗集团-圣. 文森特·卡梅尔妇女健康
“无论我们每天做什么,悉尼都很兴奋,对一切都很感兴趣. 她是个好学的人. 杰出的. 我的同事也很喜欢她. 我很想看到她将来成为一名医生.”
“莉迪亚学习能力很强,能灵活积极地适应每一项新任务. 她有学习的动力,和她一起工作很愉快. 她很快就掌握了人类研究所需的所有技能.”
丹佛CASA -儿童权益组织
“利亚在解决问题时有跳出常规思维的能力. 她也有很好的人际交往和沟通能力.”
为什么?. 约翰的毕业生在工作场所的竞争对手?
雇主 constantly tell us that our graduates bring unique 和 valuable qualities to the workplace. 我们一次又一次听到的这些品质是什么? 我们把它们统称为“为什么”?“优势”,这是对这种优势如何发挥的一种解释:
一个好的员工会很快掌握程序,问:什么 我们做什么,我怎样才能做得好?“但是一个优秀的员工会检查预先存在的假设,问:”为什么 我们做了吗 如何 我们能做得更好吗?“这个”为什么??的优势是全球十大赌博靠谱平台的不同之处在于:我们学院培养学生问最重要的问题的能力, 而且经常被忽视, 在得出结论之前提出问题.
这种思维的精确性意味着约翰尼们很少对公认的答案感到满意. 而不是, they provide fresh insight in a hyper-complex world; independent analysis in markets overwhelmed by “groupthink;” 和 wisdom that develops from 3,000年多学科的探索和知识.
Together, these qualities are what the future dem和s—和 where Johnnies’ competitive advantage lies. St. 约翰的毕业生 成为普利策奖得主的记者, 金融首席执行官, 科技企业家, 医疗主管, 疫苗研究人员, 酿酒师, 架构师, 学校的创始人, 还有更多.
想要雇佣一个约翰尼? 从这里开始.
St. 约翰的毕业生都是能言善辩的演说家
Being able to effectively communicate orally is important to 80% of business executives 和 90% of hiring managers.
St. 约翰的毕业生都是熟练的分析师
Critical thinking/analytical reasoning is important to 78% of business executives 和 84% of hiring managers.
St. 约翰的毕业生努力做出明智的判断
St. 约翰的毕业生是灵活的团队合作者
Being able to work effectively in teams is i对77%的企业高管和87%的招聘经理来说很重要.
St. 约翰的毕业生都是自信的主动者
是自我激励, 倡议, 76%的企业高管和85%的招聘经理认为积极主动很重要.
St. 约翰的毕业生都是老练的作家
Being able to communicate effectively in writing is important to 76% of business executives 和 78% of hiring managers.
St. 约翰的毕业生已经准备好解决雇主的问题
The ability to apply knowledge 和 skills to real-world settings is important to 76% of business executives 和 87% of hiring managers.